KKBOX Innovation Chat #27 (高雄場) 智慧生活應用 - 語音控制大挑戰


第 26 場 Innovation Chat (台北場)智慧生活應用 - 語音控制大挑戰的熱烈迴響,第 27 場我們將進軍高雄,再度為各位帶來精彩度爆棚的智慧語音技術講座!

從「觸控」走向「聲控」,為何語音將成為 AI 的新入口?





為了提供更多元的聆聽體驗,KKBOX 正邁向物聯網設備整合更人性音樂體驗的方向。然而,智慧設備背後的語音技術和對話系統儼然是一門深奧的學問。因此,這次講座邀請到前沿科技的創辦人蒞臨分享 NLP(自然語言處理) 在 Chatbot 應用方面的觀點及經驗;以及 KKBOX 研究中心負責開發 Machine Learning 的工程師們來分享如何訓練智慧聲控互動設備「聽」懂人類語句指令並播放出情境適合的旋律。



李卓澔 JUOHAO LI - 前沿科技

JUOHAO is the Founder of Frontier Technology since 2015. He has been focused on the development of NLP and AI application for more than 4 years. His major interests are using the AI technology to make people’s work and learning easier and more efficient, particularly in the field of smart devices and language learning. The company has won two prize from Kaohsiung City Government for superior performance on the R&D projects for voice-controlled products under his leading. He will continue devote himself on the AI technology and believes their work will change the way people learn in the future. 

Speaker - JUOHAO

Topic - The developments and issues of NLP on the application of Chatbot : From our perspectives and experiences.

Nature Language Processing is one of the important developments in the fields of AI technology. With more and more applications been discovered and even commercialized by  introducing NLP technology, such as Voice assistant, Chatbot and etc. Although it seems to be very promising and popular as the solutions in some areas. There still has a lot issues and questions remained to be overcome and explored. This talk will try to address these issues and share some thoughts from our perspectives and experiences. We believe the future of the NLP technology is bright and can bring major contributions in many fields.


York Tsai - KKBOX Data Engineer

York Tsai works at KKBOX Research Center as a data engineer. He is interested in creating value with data. His daily works includes using big data tools like Spark to process data from heterogeneous sources, working with machine learning researchers and data scientists to fine tune ML models, and developing APIs to support product features. 

 Speaker - York Tsai


Chun-Han - KKBOX 研發工程師

Chun-Han 為清華大學資工所碩士,在學期間致力於機器學習、影像辨識的相關研究。目前任職於 KKBOX 研究中心,專注於運用所學分析音檔,將每首歌曲標上相關的標籤,例如:曲風 / 情境等。近期開始研究自然語言處理,並將其應用於音樂服務上。

Speaker - Chun-Han


Topic - Music Intent Understanding : I Know What You Want To Play!

過往想要播放歌曲,不外乎使用 mp3 播放器 / 電腦 / 手機 / 平板。為了拓展更多元的收聽方式,KKBOX 近期決定搭著智慧音箱的興起,新增一個聆聽管道讓使用者享受音樂的美好。因此,如何訓練智慧音箱理解使用者的播放指令成為一個課題。KKBOX 使用 deep learning 的技術學習使用者的語音文字、訓練智慧音箱並使其正確播放出指定音樂,打造全新的音樂享受體驗。



  • 13:45 - 14:10 報到入場

  • 14:10 - 15:10 前沿科技 -  The developments and issues of NLP on the application of Chatbot : From our perspectives and experiences. / JUOHAO

  • 15:10 - 15:30 中場休息

  • 15:30 - 16:30 KKBOX - Music Intent Understanding : I Know What You Want to Play! / York Tsai & Chun-Han

  • 16:30 - 17:00 會後交流



  1. 本次活動為高雄場議程於 14:10 開始,13:45 開放入場,請把握時間提前報到13:30 開始販售現場票請現場報名者購票完方可進入會場。

  2. 請務必線上報名並使用 KKTIX 或印出票券 QR Code,當日憑 KKTIX 票券入場,以便現場驗票作業順利。

  3. 當日現場備有飲水機,現場無提供紙杯,敬請與會者自行攜帶環保杯

  4. 為保障其他參與人權益,多次報名無故未到且未取消者,本單位將參酌情況不予受理。


About KKBOX Innovation Chat


KKBOX 為台灣線上音樂市場帶來良性質變,一路走來,累積了龐大產品研發與營運經驗,我們舉辦Innovation Chat一系列活動,希望透過行銷、企劃、品質、介面設計、客服和社群經營等主題,探討過去的成敗,也透過 KKBOX 的產品/市場經驗,與來自新創公司的朋友們一同交流、激盪出不同樣貌的思維。

K square / 806高雄市前鎮區復興四路20號A棟1樓 K Square


票種 販售時間 售價

2019/06/27 12:00(+0800) ~ 2019/07/15 18:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費

2019/07/16 13:30(+0800) ~ 2019/07/16 17:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費